Agua De Jamaica

Agua De Jamaica Recipe

By Peanut Palate

🔪Prep Time: 5 mins

👩‍🍳Cook Time: 10 mins


3-4 cups water

½ cup dried hibiscus leaves

1 tbsp lemon or lime juice Add 2 tbsp if you prefer it to be more tangy

1-2 1-inch slice ginger thin slices – add 2 if you don't mind the taste of ginger

½ medium cinnamon stick

6-8 tbsp xylitol or another type of sugar. I used stevia drops instead. Optional, depending on your desired level of sweetness – you can omit it if you want it sugar free.


1In a large pot on the stove over medium high heat, boil water with the sugar and spices. Stir it every so often to make sure the sugar dissolves. Use only 3 cups water if you're going to drink it cold, or all 4 cups of water if you're drinking it hot.

2Once it's boiling and the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat and stir in the hibiscus leaves.

3Let it steep for a half hour. You can leave it for longer if you'd like to drink it cold, allowing it to cool down.

4Strain into a pitcher so all spices and flowers get strained out. Add in ice cubes to serve (this is why we only used 3 cups water if we were drinking it cold, since the ice cubes dilute the drink).

5Serve with lemon slices and drink!

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