Cherry Rose Latte

Cherry Rose Latte Recipe

By Peanut Palate

👩‍🍳Cook Time: 10 mins


½ cup fresh or frozen cherries pitted

¼ tsp vanilla extract

Pinch salt

1 heaping tbsp dried rose petals

1-2 tbsp liquid sweetener Start with 1 tbsp, add more if needed

¾ cup non-dairy milk I used cashew milk


1In a saucepan over medium-high heat, add all ingredients except rose petals.

2With a potato masher, mash up the frozen cherries to extract the juice. Alternatively, you can also use a hand blender in the saucepan, but you want to get the cherries a bit softened in the heated milk first. If pureeing with a hand blender, you don't want the cherries to become soup. Make sure to leave them a bit chunky.

3Once the cherries are mashed and/or pureed, stir in the rose petals.

4Allow the mixture to boil. The rose petals need time to infuse their flavor into the milk, so once it boils, reduce the heat to low for 2-3 minutes, to allow it to sit.

5Then remove the saucepan from the heat. Strain the mixture through a sieve into a cup, and serve it hot. You can also mash the rest of the cherries within the sieve, to make sure you get the remaining juices out.

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