Cinnamon Toast Crunch Milk

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Milk Recipe

By Peanut Palate

🔪Prep Time: 10 mins


For the Cinnamon Syrup

2 tbsp 100% pure maple syrup or another liquid sweetener

1 tbsp water

⅛ tsp ground cinnamon

For the Milk

½ cup oat milk (add more oat milk later if the mixture is too strong) make sure the milk is warmer than room temperature, otherwise the syrup does not dissolve properly in it

For the Topping, optional

vegan whipped cream I used Gay Lea's coconut whipped cream

ground cinnamon to sprinkle


1Warm the milk slightly. Add it to a mug and set aside.

2In a small stovetop pan over medium-low heat, mix together the cinnamon syrup ingredients.

3Constantly whisk it until the mixture thickens – this takes a few minutes.

4Once it is a thicker syrup, remove it from the heat.

5Immediately whisk this into the milk until fully incorporated.

6Top with vegan whipped cream and ground cinnamon.


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